DAKKARA Art Gallery
Michael K. Paxton


Michael K. Paxton is a well-established, Chicago-based artist and sixth-generation West Virginian. He is currently the subject of a documentary film Work at Hand  released in 2018. Paxton was an adjunct faculty member of Columbia College for sixteen years, he retired from teaching in 2021 and is currently Professor Emeritus. Paxton has his BA in Art from Marshall University, 1975 and an MFA in Drawing and Painting from The University of Georgia, 1979.

Paxton’s career spans more than four decades of one-person gallery and museum exhibitions, national and international grants and fellowships, private and public commissions, and decades of critical support for his work. Paxton’s many awards include a grant from the Adolph & Esther Gottlieb Foundation, Inc., New York; Illinois Arts Council Fellowship in Visual Art Award and two Professional Development Grants; Fellowships with both Air le Parc, Project and Research Center, Pampelonne, France and Jentel Artist Residency Program, Banner, Wyoming; a Marshall University Alumni Award of Distinction; five Professional Development Grants from Columbia College, Chicago and the documentary film Work at Hand , Michael K. Paxton  Official Selection of the 17thAnnual Great Lakes International Film Festival.

Major one-person exhibitions include Miami University Museum of Art, Oxford, Ohio; Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL; Linda Matney Gallery, Williamsburg, VA.; Heuser Art Center, Bradley University, Peoria, IL, Linda Warren Projects, Chicago, IL; Laura Mesaros Gallery, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. He has been published in New American Paintings; featured artist/educator in issue of Line Work; been the subject of both radio and television features on NPR, Chicago, and WVPBS and selected and published in Art and Soul, highlighting fifty of the most noted West Virginians in the Arts.


Michael K. Paxton 是一位知名的芝加哥艺术家和第六代西弗吉尼亚人。他目前是 2018 年上映的纪录片《手头工作》的主题。帕克斯顿在哥伦比亚大学担任了 16 年的兼职教员,他于 2021 年退休,目前是名誉教授。 Paxton 于 1975 年获得了马歇尔大学的艺术学士学位,并于 1979 年获得了佐治亚大学的绘画硕士学位。

帕克斯顿的职业生涯跨越了四十多年的单人画廊和博物馆展览、国家和国际赠款和奖学金、私人和公共委员会,以及数十年对其工作的重要支持。 Paxton 的许多奖项包括来自纽约 Adolph & Esther Gottlieb 基金会的赠款;伊利诺伊州艺术委员会视觉艺术奖学金和两项专业发展补助金;与 Air le Parc 项目和研究中心(法国潘佩隆)和 Jentel 艺术家驻留项目(怀俄明州班纳)的奖学金;马歇尔大学校友杰出奖;来自芝加哥哥伦比亚学院的五项专业发展补助金和纪录片《手头工作》,迈克尔·K·帕克斯顿正式入选第 17 届五大湖国际电影节。

主要的单人展览包括俄亥俄州牛津市迈阿密大学艺术博物馆;芝加哥文化中心,伊利诺伊州芝加哥;琳达·马特尼画廊,弗吉尼亚州威廉斯堡; Heuser 艺术中心,布拉德利大学,伊利诺伊州皮奥里亚,琳达沃伦项目,伊利诺伊州芝加哥; Laura Mesaros 画廊,西弗吉尼亚大学,摩根敦,西弗吉尼亚州。他曾在《新美国绘画》上发表过; Line Work 一期特邀艺术家/教育家;成为 NPR、芝加哥和 WVPBS 的广播和电视专题片的主题,并被选入并发表在《艺术与灵魂》杂志上,重点介绍了 50 位最著名的西弗吉尼亚州艺术人士。



©2017-2020 BOCCARA ART Galleries