DAKKARA Art Gallery
Victor Vasarely


Victor Vasarely (1906-1997) was born in Pecs (Hungary). He was a French-Hungarian artist credited as the grandfather and leader of the Op Art movement. 

Utilizing geometric shapes and colorful graphics, the artist created compelling illusions of spatial depth, as seen in his work Vega-Nor (1969). Vasarely’s method of painting borrowed from a range of influences, including Bauhaus design principles, Wassily Kandinsky, and Constructivism. 

His pieces are often depicted in contrasting colors and composed of clean-cut geometric forms. His style of monochromatic color fields or "color form" as he called it was very graphic and perfectly suited for tapestry. However only master weavers were capable of executing a total circle without producing the slightest deformation. "Circles as well as squares are Vasarely's specific design elements, bordering on the strict rules of mathematics," as his preferred weaver Tabard once said. Weaving had to be precise in both depiction of the circle form as well as the graduated color scheme.

In 1965, Victor Vasarely participated to the exhibition “Responsive Eye” (New York) wich dedicated the optical Art (Op Art). The man was interested in the physics, in the architecture, in the industry and wanted his universal language. In 1976, he created his foundation in Aix-en-Provence, and drew a building that concretized his conception of the art in the town. Vasarely set up a contemporary art center and a meeting and search lavatory for artists, architects and engineers. He has been celebrated in the biggest museums of the world.

Victor Vasarely died in 1997 in Annet-sur-Marne (France).


Victor Vasarely(1906-1997)出生于匈牙利的佩奇。他是一位法匈艺术家,被誉为欧普艺术运动的祖父和领袖。
如他的作品《维加诺尔》(Vega-Nor,1969年)所示,利用几何形状和彩色图形,艺术家创造了引人入胜的空间深度错觉。瓦萨雷利的绘画方法借鉴了包豪斯(Bauhaus)的设计原理,瓦西里·康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)和建构主义等一系列影响。
1965年,维克多·瓦萨里(Victor Vasarely)参加了展览“响应之眼”(纽约),该展览致力于光学艺术(运筹学)。这个人对物理学,建筑学,工业都感兴趣,并且想要他的通用语言。 1976年,他在普罗旺斯地区艾克斯(Aix-en-Provence)创立了自己的基金会,并绘制了一座建筑物,具体体现了他对小镇的艺术观念。瓦萨雷利(Vasarely)建立了当代艺术中心,为艺术家,建筑师和工程师提供了会议和洗手间。他曾在世界上最大的博物馆中庆祝。
维克多·瓦萨雷利(Victor Vasarely)于1997年在法国马恩河畔安纳河畔去世。


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