DAKKARA Art Gallery
Wang Keping


Born in Beijing in 1949, the Chinese sculptor Wang Keping currently lives and works in Paris.
Wang Keping is a self-taught sculptore and works mainly with wood, a material that he respects, highlighting its the natural curves. A founding member of the group “Xing Xing” (Les Etoiles), with Ma Desheng, Ai Weiwei and Li Shuang, he leaves China in 1984 to exile himself in Paris. This expatriation comes along with a sliding of political subjects towards a more personal and more contemplative approach centered on the body, essentially feminine. The wood, the highly alive material, allows him to develop an organic language. Wang Keping does not hesitate to let dry supports selected during several years before sculpturing them. This media and its peculiarities so guide his work which logically favors uncluttered forms and movements. He lives and works in Paris. He admires artists such as Maillol, Brancusi or Zadkine.
Starting from 1986, he shows his works at the Zürcher gallery and in 1989 he has a show at the Georges Pompidou Center and the Museum of Modern Art of Taiwan. Wang Keping has been selected by Art+Auction (Artinfo.com) in the Top 50 Next Most Collectible Artists. His work ‘Silence’ has been selected by the CNN as one of the ’10 art works that will change the way you see China’ in 2014. In 2015 Artprice.com published an article about his artworks’ market value entitled ‘Le Cas Wang Keping’ (The Wang Keping Case).


中国雕塑家王克平于1949年出生于北京,目前在巴黎生活和工作。 王克平是一位自学成才的雕塑家,主要以木材为主,这是他所尊重的材料,突出了它的自然曲线。作为“星星”(Les Etoiles)的创始成员,马德生,艾未未和李爽,他于1984年离开中国,流亡巴黎。这种外派同时伴随着政治主体的滑动,走向以身体为中心,更基本女性化的更个性化,更沉思的方式。木材,高度活泼的材料,使他能够发展有机语言。王克平毫不犹豫地在雕刻它们之前的几年内选择了干燥的支撑物。这种媒体及其特点因此引导了他的作品,这在逻辑上有利于整洁的形式和动作。他在巴黎生活和工作。他钦佩Maillol,Brancusi或Zadkine等艺术家。 从1986年开始,他在Zürcher画廊展出他的作品,并于1989年在Georges Pompidou中心和台湾现代艺术博物馆展出。王克平已被Art + Auction(Artinfo.com)评选为前50名最具收藏艺术家。他的作品“沉默”已经被美国有线电视新闻网选为2014年“改变你对中国的看法”的10件艺术作品之一。2015年,他们发表了一篇关于他的艺术品市场价值“Le Cas Wang”的文章柯平(王克平案)。


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