DAKKARA Art Gallery
Yari Ostovany


Yari Ostovany (1962) is an American abstract artist of Iranian origins, who lived in Teheran, Cologne, Los Angeles, New York, and Reno. He currently lives and works in San Francisco, California.

This new series named after a residency castle at Chateau d’Orquevaux, France captures the mystical aggregate of Western and Eastern art, tradition and spirituality. Orquevaux 11 embeds an alchemical transformation of formal elements like light, color, texture, and space into complex compositions whose wholeness transcends its parts. The layers of pigments washed out and covered over, scrapped away and dissolved add to the depth and luminousness of the composition. 

Ostovany’s culturally diverse background impacts his artistic adherence to Abstract Expressionism and Color Field painting producing divergent, but profoundly complementary artwork. Ostovany creates richly textured, layered color field paintings that reflect his exploration of metamorphosis and transubstantiation.

Yari Ostovany work reside in numerous public and private numerous collections, such as:

New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, Connecticut;
Pasargad Bank Museum, Tehran, Iran;
Permanent Collection of the University of Nevada - Reno Art Department.


Yari Ostovany(1962)是居住在德黑兰,科隆,洛杉矶,纽约和里诺(Reno)的美国伊朗裔抽象艺术家。他目前在加利福尼亚州旧金山生活和工作。

这个新系列以法国奥尔克沃城堡(Chateau d'Orquevaux)的一座居住城堡命名,捕捉了西方和东方艺术,传统和灵性的神秘融合。 Orquevaux 11将诸如光,颜色,纹理和空间之类的形式元素的炼金术转变嵌入到其整体性超越其组成部分的复杂成分中。奥斯托瓦尼的文化背景不同,影响了他对抽象表现主义和色彩领域绘画的艺术坚持,产生了分歧但深远的互补艺术品。 Ostovany创作了纹理丰富,层次分明的色彩画,反映了他对变态和变态的探索。

Yari Ostovany的作品存在于众多公共和私人收藏中,例如:

伊朗德黑兰Pasargad Bank博物馆;

©2017-2020 BOCCARA ART Galleries